Interior Wall Cracks Were Found Throughout Home
Cracks began appearing on interior walls as the home settled.

Interior Wall Cracks Above Doors
The owner noticed several cracks above the doors of the home.

Exterior Brick
Due to settling, the brick on the outside of the home began to crack as well.

Exterior Brick Separations
Stair step cracks were at least one inch wide due to foundation issues.

Results of Piering
The cracks in the walls closed after the home was piered.

Results of Piering
The cracks above the doors were closed after piering.

Stair Steps Cracks are Reversing
The wall begins to close back up as the piers are installed underground. Duct tape is used to show the gaps closing.

The foundation is restored
As the piering system lifts the home back to level, the gaps in the brick close.